
What is Fascia?

Fascia is the head to toe, arm to arm, inside-out connective tissue. It divides our muscles and penetrates them like the internal skin of an orange. It also surrounds virtually every structure of the human body. If we were able to peek inside our bodies and only see the fascia, we would look like a human form of cotton candy with mummy-like bandages running throughout. The entire fascia system is connected in ONE piece like a 3D spider-web. It's so obvious, how did we miss this?

The FasciaBlaster is the ONLY tool that opens the fascia at the deeper layers and breaks up fascial adhesions. With regular use of the FasciaBlaster in your treatment, one can expect pain reduction and improved flexibility, joint function, circulation, muscle definition and performance, nerve activity, posture, and enhanced beauty including the virtual elimination of CELLULITE.


Lessen the Look of Cellulite

When fascia is tight, it pulls down on the fascial sheath below the skin. Fascial adhesions look like a chain link fence. When fat is present, it pushes through the fascia like a marshmallow pushing through a chain link fence. This causes a dimpled and puckered effect.


The FasciaBlaster
- Breaks up fascial adhesions
- Smooths out the fascial sheath below the skin
- Allows the body to take a more natural form
- Fat does not push through “dimpled sheath”
- Appearance of cellulite diminished or lessened
- Skin looks more vibrant
- Muscle definition shows through


Better Blood Flow!

When fascia is tight, it restricts blood flow. Little veins and arteries flow through the fascia delivering oxygen and nutrients to the cells. Fascia is so adhesive that it can block blood flow entirely to certain area, cause swelling in others, or just make it harder for blood to pump.


The FasciaBlaster
- Opens and loosens the fascia
- Releases the blood to flow naturally
- Oxygen and nutrients get to the cells more efficiently
- Workouts are more effective through “pump”
- Cardiac output is increased
- Inflammation reduced
- Better blood pressure
- Less brain fog


Better Definition and Nerve Activity!

When fascia is tight, it restricts the nerve signal. Nerves are the messengers that send signals from the brain to the muscles. When the signal is interrupted, or choked out, the muscle output is lessened. Fascia also can encase muscles, not allowing the cuts to show through. If you are big enough, you can actually outgrow your fascia and limit the size of muscle growth.


The FasciaBlaster
- Opens and loosens fascia allowing full nerve signal
- Improves the muscles response to activity
- Causes muscles to fire harder and more efficiently
- Allows the fascia to lay in the cuts and grooves of muscle definition
- Allows for full growth potential
- Improves sports performance
- Increases flexibility
- Great to use as a pre-event nerve stimulator


Pain and Orthopedics

When fascia is tight, it can torque and tighten joints and is often a pre curser to more serious issues such as strains, ligament problems, back pain, swelling, limited range of motion and more. Overall tight fascia can cause head aches, full body aches and rob us of vitality.


The FasciaBlaster
- Instantly reduces pain
- Allows joints to function properly
- Increases flexibility
- Releases tension
- Breaks up scar tissue
- Minimizes inflammation
- Allows for joint alignment and space